ROAR, initially released in 1981 then re-released in 2015 was a film produced, directed and featuring Noel Marshall, who was coming off his success after producing The Exorcist. His wife, Tippi Hedron and her daughter Melanie Griffiths are also featured in the film. You could say it was something of a family affair in that anyone working on the film needed to be OK with the threat of being mauled by a lion on their ranch in Acton, California. The making of ROAR spanned a period of more than 10 years, including 5 years of photography requiring a crew of over 100 people and 150 untrained lions, tigers, leopards and cheetahs. Over 70 members of the cast and crew were injured during the production of the film, amazingly, not one person was killed.
Working with Director Rob Muraskin and the talented team at Atlas Media Corp, I turned some amazing photographs taken during production of the film into animated scenes. I also trialled an attempt at ‘speed painting’ (a technique of painting with ink and water) for the title sequence, but unfortunately it was not pursued by the network. So instead we came up with a more classic type treatment to invoke the time period of the original film.
The TV Movie is slated to air on Animal Planet in late June 2017.